Monday, July 20, 2015

July Challenge day 17, 18, 19, & 20

Playing catch-up...again...but I'm OK with that. I had a busy weekend. I left Friday to stay with my sister. We had an awesome time. We stayed up way to late but we had so much fun. I got home yesterday and slept a couple of hours. Didn't have the strength to workout so I got it all in today.

40 crunches
40 lateral shoulder raises
40 Russian twists
40 shoulder presses
:60 plank
45 jumping jacks
45 chest presses
45 triceps extensions
45 kickbacks
:60 plank
45 squats
45 renegade rows
45 bicep curls
45 upright rows
:60 high extended arm plank
45 crunches
45 lateral shoulder raises
45 Russian twists
45 shoulder presses

Time to relax and do some reading

Thursday, July 16, 2015

July Challenge day 15 & 16

Doubled up again today because yesterday was just a plan bad day. Here's today workout:

40 Jumping jacks
40 chest presses
40 triceps extensions
40 crunches
:60 forearm plank
40 squats
30 renegade rows
30 bicep curls
30 upright rows
:60 high extended arm plank

I will hopefully be doing tomorrow's workout before I leave town for a few having the weekend off😍

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July Challenge day 13 and 14

I forgot to post my workout yesterday so here it is:

35 sit ups
35 lat shoulder raises
35 Russian twists
35 shoulder presses
:60 plank
25 bicep curls
25 toe lifts
25 reverse crunches
20 squats
25 in & outs

Today was rest day and I needed it. After a busy day at work I came home, got something to eat and just vegged out...sometimes you just have to.😎

Sunday, July 12, 2015

This Fangirl busted a move...July Challenge Day 9,10,11,&12

So I've been a slacker for the last few days. I had a hell of a week and I just had no energy to get that workout in. Yesterday, I did get to go to the gym with my friend Rebecca but did little of any5hing else except....FANGIRL over Comic I have somewhat mastered Twitter and I worked out my fingers tweeting about my favorite fandoms.

Shout out to some of my Twitter peeps I follow:
Watch some of Comic Con on Periscope via @AnglophileTV and @Thats_Normal
@Frasers_Ridge ..master of Outlander gifs, trivia and other cool stuff
@BlackbyrdGyrl GoT peep
@CatsandKilts ..lucky lass is in Scotland right nowπŸ˜‰πŸ‘

So here is my workout that I missed doing since Thursday:

30 squats-fast
30 Renegade rows
30 bicep curls
30 upright rows
:60 high extended arm plank
30 crunches fast
30 lat shoulder presses
30Russian twists
30 shoulder presses
:60 plank
35 jumping jacks
35 chest presses
35 tricep extensions
35 push ups
:60 forearm plank
35 squats
35 Renegade rows
35 bicep curls
35 upright rows
:60 high extended arm plank

So now I'm all caught up and ready for a new week. Let's make
it a good oneπŸ˜‰

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

July Challenge Day 7 & 8

It's been a long day..up at 3am to be at work 4:00. Busy week with department wide clearance and inventory tomorrow. Had to make time to get that workout in.

15 tricep presses
5 thread the needle..both sides
20 arm circles
10 oblique crunches
5 1 legged bridge..both sides
30 jumping jacks
30 chest presses
30 triceps extensions
30 push ups
:60 forearm plank
15 triceps kickbacks
20 Russian twists
20 squats
25 flutter kicks

Have a great night everyone😉

Monday, July 6, 2015

July Challenge Day 5 & 6

Doubled up on my workout today..didn't do yesterday's workout so catching up today. I'm going to have a crazy week at work so got to get my exercises in when I can.

Walking at work 9055 steps/4.27 miles
25 squats-fast
25 renegade rows
25 bicep curls
25 upright rows
:60 high extended arm plank
25 crunches-fast
25 lateral shoulder raises
25 Russian twists
25 shoulder presses
:60 plank
20 bicep curls
20 toe lifts
20 leg raises
15 sumo squats
2 roll ups

Time for a nap before going into work again tonight.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

July Challenge Day 4

Happy 4th of July everyone!!

I had to work this morning so I had to do my workout after I got home, but I did track 5.61 miles/11,876 steps while walking at work. It amazes me how much walking I do while at work😲
Today's workout
25 jumping jacks
25 chest presses
25 triceps extensions
25 push ups
:60 forearm plank

Well, time for some veggie pizza and a nap because I have to go back into work tonight😣😴

Everyone have a fun and safe holiday

Friday, July 3, 2015

July Challenge Day 3

Took a morning walk this morning up to the gas station in Riverside. Sure can tell it's a holiday weekend. Busy busy busy..and the gas was almost 3 dollars a gallon...ugh. That's OK, I used my own mode of transportation.. My legs👍😉
Total miles was 4.95 miles..10,498 steps.
Just finished my challenge workout:
20 crunches-fast
20 lateral shoulder raises
20 Russian twists
20 shoulder presses
:60 plank
10 triceps kick backs
15 Russian twists
15 lateral alternating squats
20 flutter kicks

Everybody have a safe and fun weekend😉

Thursday, July 2, 2015

July challenge day 2

I had today off from work so I got my workout done early.

20 squats- fast
20 bicep curls
20 Renegade rows
20 Upright rows
:60 High extended arm plank
15 side lunges
15 Low rows
10 Lateral shoulder raises
10 push ups
10 Heel taps

I went for a walk/run this evening and the weather was perfect. Very nice breeze off of Lake Michigan made feel even better. I use the Runtastic app and while I was walking up a hill I thought I heard a crash behind me. It scared the 💩 out of me. Actually, it was my app. Someone had sent me an So if anyone uses this app, follow me and I will follow back and give you an applause👍😉. Now it's time for some TV and cuddle time with my sweetie😍

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July challenge Day 1

Well, it's the first of July and it's time to get back on track. I totally blew it in June so now I'm going to kick it in gear. Did my July challenge and walked almost 6 miles at work which goes with the walking challenge that I'm doing at work. Here's my work out for the day.💪

20 jumping jacks
20 chest presses
20 triceps extensions
20 push ups
:60 forearm plank
15 bicep curls
15 toe lifts
15 reverse crunches
10 sumo squats
15 in and outs

Here is my current weight and waist measurement. I want to see if anything changes by July 31st comes.

Waist- 38 inches
Goal- lose 10 pounds and get that waist measurement down to 30 inches😉👍☺

Saturday, May 23, 2015

My nice little walk for the day

Joy just finished a Runtastic walking of 3.04 mi in 58m 46s

Friday, May 1, 2015

What's in a name? Friday Fun Run

First day of May starts a new month of daily challenges. This month my challenge group is focusing on arms, legs and the "booty." Today's challenge was
50 squats..I did this in 2 sets
30 second plank
25 leg lifts

It's been nice out the last couple of days so I went out for Friday fun run. I was just going to do my regular 5k route but decided to change it up a bit. I stopped and took some pictures and took one of road sign. Now, most roads are named for famous people...Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln ( I grew up on Lincoln Ave.) and even Martin Luther King Jr Dr. I live near a road that has the most interesting name.
I believe this road was named after a family that lives in this area. The name is so fun to say..go ahead..say it out loud.

Well, anyway, I ran/walk longer then a 5k..4.21 miles for the day and I felt pretty good about it. Not going to break any speed records but that's OK. Starting over is OK!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Cold day for a walk

I just completed an activity with RunKeeper

I went for a late morning walk and it wasn't the most ideal weather conditions but I enjoyed it just the same.

While walking, I had an idea to make my walking, running and cycling a little more fun this Summer. I'm going to do a picture scavenger hunt. I think I will poll my friends on Facebook for ideas of what to find on my adventures. Just something to make it a little more fun. So, if you have any ideas please leave a comment down below. Thanks for reading😃

Friday, April 24, 2015

Yoga video for today..great workout

Day 9 - Full Potential Detox Practice - 30 Days o…:

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Core Challenge Day 23 and a gift from Boston

Day 23 of my core challenge is done and it was a killer😧

46 push ups (ugh)
35 second plank (Yeah!!)
44 plank reaches (ugh)

Only 8 days left and tomorrow... No push ups (Yeah!!)

My friend and co-worker Sandra and her husband Tony  was in Boston on Monday so Tony could run his first Boston Marathon. He brought it home with a finish time of 3 hours and 32 minutes.

This morning, Sandra had a gift for me from the marathon expo...I love it!!

Friday, April 17, 2015

The Mojo is Back!

I'm back..weak in the knees...but I'm back. I went for a 3 mile walk this morning with a little running thrown in. I really missed the feeling of running. The fresh air going through my lungs and just being outside again. I quit running not only because of a knee injury but I had something happen that hurt me physically, mentally and sprirtually. My spirit was broken for running. I didn't want to quit but I just didn't have the heart for it anymore. I turned to reading and watching TV after work. I lost interest in staying in shape and just more or less being lazy. I don't have a problem being lazy but when I realize my jeans and my work pants didn't fit as well as they use to, then I realized I better get back on track. Spring is here and Summer is just around the corner...I have no excuses for not getting out and enjoying a good walk/run.

Now I still plan on some Summer reading...and it will probably take me all summer to read it too.

Book 6 in the Outlander Series

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Friday fun run

Fridays are my day off and normally I just bum around home after having a long week at work. It's getting nice out...Winter is NOT least not for another 8 months...(had to put a Game of Thrones reference in), and it's time to get active. I have to make myself accountable so I'm posting in my blog that Fridays will be my fun run day. It will probably be more walking then running but it's a start. With the help of a Facebook core challenge that I've been doing all month ( thanks Amy and Jen) and the yoga videos that I've been sprinkling here and there, I've been feeling stronger.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Starting over is ok

I'm not really a newbie to running. I've ran races and was getting really good at it until I suffered a knee injury. A few factors caused this...adding miles to fast, pushing myself, and my shoes were passed their running mileage. This time, I'm going to take it nice and slow and just enjoy myself. I have nothing to prove, I just really love to run and I miss it a lot. I'm scared to start because I'm afraid of injury but I'm playing it smart this time and listen to my body better this time. I'm going to start with this 5k plan starting April 1st. Going to keep myself accountable. Summer is coming...sorry Starks..I don't like your (Game of Thrones reference)

I will run while I can😆

Day 3 of 30 days of yoga

I'm doing a YouTube series called 30 days of yoga with Adriene. I just finished day 3 and I feel really energized. I was surprised when the video was only 23 minutes because I wanted to do more. This was a challenge video because there was a lot of poses that I had done before. I really enjoy her style and the way she approaches yoga. She doesn't rush through and allows the student to work through the move at their own pace. What's even better...I can pause the video when I need a break😊

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Re-boot and energized

Well, it's been almost a year since I posted to my blog and I haven't done nothing but be lazy...until now. April will be here in just a few days and that means summer is just around the corner. I've taken up a core challenge with a Facebook group, I'm doing 30 days of Yoga using YouTube and I'm planning on slowly working in running so I can get back to my favorite thing I love to do.
Time to move it move it😎

August Reads 2018

August was a great month for reading. I don't think I have ever read this many books in such a short time. Karen Marie Moning's F...